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Archived News

2015 September

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 3 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Conference on early modern diplomacy

The Premodern Diplomats Network, founded two years ago, will hold its fourth conference on the 25th and 26th of September in our institute. At the event Splendid Encounters: Diplomats and Di... read more..


Call for Applications for translation into English of Hungarian language books and manuscripts

The Tetmajer Committee of Indiana University invites applications for translation into English of Hungarian language books and manuscripts on the topic of 20th century Hungarian history. &nb... read more..


New Issue of World History (Világtörténet) on „The Great War”

The second issue of World History (Világtörténet) for 2015 is a thematic issue dedicated to the topic of „The Great War” edited by László Szarka has been published. The centenary of the Great War gave... read more..

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