Hungarian–Serbian Relations in the Early Modern Period 1456–1791
From Thursday, 09 November 2023 - 10:00
To Friday, 10 November 2023 - 12:00
Update: A második napi program elmarad!/ Second day programme cancelled.
HUN-REN RCH Institute of History of Budapest and the Institute of History of Belgrade would like to invite you to the International Scientific Conference entitled Hungarian–Serbian Relations in the Early Modern Period 1456–1791.
VENUE: HUN-REN RCH Institute of History, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. Conference room, 5th floor
DATE: 9–10 November 2023
Facebook event

Thursday, 9 November
10. 00 Welcome addresses
- Prof. Antal Molnár, DSc (director, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History)
- Prof. Aleksandar Rastović, PhD (director, Institute of History, Belgrade)
Panel I. 10.20–11.30
Chair: Prof. Aleksandar Rastović, PhD (director, Institute of History, Belgrade)
- 10.20–10.40 Aleksandar Jakovljević (research assistant, Institute of History, Belgrade): Border Diplomacy in Lower Danube: Ottoman–Hungarian Legations During the 1480s
- 10. 40–11.00 Aleksandar Krstić, PhD (senior research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): Between Preserving Identity and Fitting into the Local Milieu: Marital Relations of the Serbs in Hungary (Second Half of the 15th to the 16th Century)
- 11.00–11.20 Mónika F. Molnár, PhD, (research fellow, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History): The Delineation of the Habsburg–Ottoman Border after the Peace of Carlowitz
Coffee break
Panel II. 11.50–13.10
Chair: Pál Fodor, DSc (research professor HUN-REN RCH Institute of History)
- 11.50–12.10 Miklós Fóti, PhD (research fellow, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History) – Gábor Demeter (senior research fellow, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History): The Role of the Sandžak of Szendrő in the Establishment of Turkish Administration in the Southern Part of the Kingdom of Hungary
- 12.10–12.30 Boris Stojkovski, PhD (associate professor, University of Novi Sad) –Miroslav Pavlović (associate professor, University of Novi Sad): Settlements in Syrmia in the Mirror of the Most Recent Researches on the Ottoman Tapu-Defters
- 12.30–12.50 Dragana Amedoski, PhD (senior research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade) – Vladeta Petrović PhD (senior research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): A Research into Small Neighbourhood Communities (Mahalles) in the Sandjak of Kruševac in the Early Ottoman Period
Panel III. 14. 00–15.10
Chair: Aleksandar Krstić, PhD (senior research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade)
- 14.00–14.20 Szabolcs Varga PhD, (senior research fellow, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History): Serbs in the South Transdanubian Region in the Early Modern Age
- 14.20–14.40 Gábor Máté, PhD (senior lecturer, University of Pécs): Characteristics of Serbian Villages in Ottoman Hungary in the Light of the 17th–18th Century Sources
- 14.40–15.00 Pál Fodor, DSc (research profesor HUN-REN RCH Institute of History) – Antal Molnár, DSc (HUN-REN RCH Institute of History): Serbian Monasteries in Ottoman Hungary in the Light of the Tahrir Defters
Coffee break
Panel IV. 15.30–17.00
Chair: Árpád Hornyák (senior research fellow, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History RCH Institute of History)
- 15.30–15.50 Neven Isailović, PhD (senior research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): Rasciani Regales in Late Medieval Hungary: Notion and Interpretations
- 15.50–16.10 Marija Andrić, PhD (research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): From the Transshipment Port in Split to Transylvania: Marc Antonio Velutelli and his Network of Trustees in the Balkans in the 17th Century
- 16.10–16.30 Jelena Ilić Mandić, PhD (senior research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): Trade in Large Cattle from Banat of Temesvar to Hungary in the 18th Century
Friday, 10 November
Panel V. 10.00–11.40
Chair: Prof. Antal Molnár, DSc (director, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History)
- 10. 00–10.20 Nino Delić, PhD (research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): Late 18th Century Perceptions of Identity in the South of the the Kingdom of Hungary – ʺIllyriansʺ in Ethnographic Descriptions of the Late Modern Age
- 10. 20–10.40 Xénia Golub, PhD (research fellow, National Széchényi Library): A Serbian Senator in Pest at the End of the 18th Century: Jovan Muskatirović
- 10. 40–11. 00 Béla Mihalik, PhD (senior research fellow, HUN-REN RCH Institute of History RCH Institute of History): Between Confessional Pressure and Economic Constraints. The Serbian Community in Eger in the 18th Century
- 11.00–11. 20 Isidora Točanac Radović, PhD (research associate, Institute of History, Belgrade): Demographics of the Orthodox Population in Southern Hungarian Counties at the End of the 18th Century
Closing remarks