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Events Calendar

Talk by Ned Block
Tuesday, 28 November 2023,  3:00


ned block talk honlap 2

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Prof. Ned Block (NYU, Department of Philosophy) entitled Perception and the language of thought. The online talk will be given in English.


The language of thought hypothesis is reborn but does it apply to perception? It has been claimed that object perception satisfies the conditions for a language of thought representation. This talk will start at the beginning with a consideration of the difference between iconic and discursive format, moving to the evidence that perceptual representation, including perceptual object representation, is iconic.

Time: Tuesday, 28 November, 2023, 15h / 3PM (CET)

Venue: online, via the Zoom platform. Attendees can join using the following link:

