Pia Shekhter, President of the International Association of Music Libraries, visited Budapest on 22-23 January 2024 and she also visited the library and archives of the HUN-REN RCH Institute for Musicology during her short professional programme.
Zsombor Tóth, senior research fellow at the Institute for Literary Studies, HUN-REN RCH attended the conference entitled Between the Old and the New World: William Ames and the Shaping of Reformed Theology and Spirituality, hosted by Pelgrimvaderskerk, Rotterdam (NL) on February 27‒29.
Miklós Székely's book entitled Schools and Museums of Modern Design in Transylvania around 1900 has been shortlisted for the professional book category of the Hungarian Book Design Award. Design: De_form. More information: Forbes magazine
Stepfamilies across Europe and overseas 1550-1900 is the third volume of the Momentum “Integrating Families” Research Group's published by Routledge, which emphasizes diverse perspectives on the new and expanding history of stepfamilies in Europe and some of its overseas territories from 1550 to 1900.
On February 9–10 the SMALLST project, in collaboration with the Islamic Studies Institute of the Heidelberg University and the Warsaw Centre for Global History of the University of Warsaw organized a workshop titled Asymmetrical Neighbours: Minor Players and Empires in the Early Modern and Modern Borderlands.