Eszter Bánffy, Research Professor at the Institute of Archaeology (HUN-REN RCH) delivered a presentation at the ATES Silk Road Forum on March 26, focusing on the Neolithic transition (6000–5350 cal BC) between Southeastern and Central Europe, and offering new perspectives based on recent research.
The Oxford University Press has published a study by Pál Ács, Institute Senior, Reserch Professor at the Institute of History on early Hungarian Bible translations, entitled Translating the Hungarian Protestant Bible.
This sourcebook contains the diplomatic correspondence of the envoys who stayed at the court of Louis II, King of Hungary and Bohemia, between the summer of 1521 and the beginning of 1526, on behalf of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Habsburg and his brother, Archduke Ferdinand I.
Published by the Institute for Musicology of the HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, edited by Viola Biró and László Vikárius, the volume On Bartók, Folk Music, Music History – Essays in Honor of Vera Lampert was published.